following some conversations with friends out in NZ we have made some adjustments to our kit.
- mainly and most expensively we changed the camping gaz stove to an MSR whisperlite multifuel number as the camping gaz gas is pretty limited in supply weeks and counting
- our sleeping bags after looking at the karrimor offerings in the shop and deciding they felt and looked rather poor quality we opted for some ajungaluk tundra summers with cotton liners at the same price as the karrimors as we got an end of season deal
- added an MSR spatula and strainer to the kitchen
- added a homemade foot print to the tent
- A fuji film S5800 superzoom camera (for keeping this blog updated with pretty pictures)
- a small tripod for said camera !
we have also purchased our bikes.
Thanks to Mark for recommending penny sports cycles in Christchurch for our bikes. With the help of Kat over the email we managed to secure one of the last remaining 2008 kona jakes in Christchurch and the very last Kona Dew Fs. A
quick phone call with a deposit and the deal was done.

{my Kona Jake}

{Jaynes Kona Dew FS }
Having had a bit of a pack on sunday past i have 6kgs to play with for weight , the tent , both loaded panniers and loaded bar bag comes to a total of 13.9kgs ! i have little equipment to add, only sundries like chamois cream and toiletries.